

Essay Question: Smartphones and the Internet

Jeenn Lee Hsieh


>IELTS Essay Question:

Mobile (cell) phones and the Internet play an important role in the way people relate to one another socially. Is this a positive or negative development? What is your opinion?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your knowledge or experience.

>Outline: thesis--smartphones have advantages and disadvantages

起 Introduction: mobile phones+the Internet=smartphones: positive and negative

承 Body paragraph A: positive effects

转 Body paragraph B: negative effects

合 Conclusion: positive effects and negative effects of smartphones

>IELTS Example Answer by Jeenn Lee Hsieh:

The marriage of the Internet to mobile phones seems to have turned many people, including children, into what is called a "head-down generation" (in Chinese: ditouzu) of smartphones. For those who want to avoid the trouble of carrying a laptop, these gadgets are the best alternative for people to relate to one another socially. This information technology is certainly bringing such benefits as never before seen, but as well there are drawbacks that are too obvious to be ignored.

On the upside, cell phones with the label "Smart" have many technological benefits, when being linked to the Internet through software technology. Besides being the best way to communicate, most high-powered wirelesmartphones can be used as video recorders, radios, portable cameras and media players. No leimportant, these modern devices are useful in studies and business. Students can acceinternet on their mobiles phones while on the go, and thus they can obtain knowledge of any topic they wish to learn, anywhere and anytime. Likewise, the businepersons can stay updated with the ups-and-downs of the markets, and they can also keep in touch with their co-workers and clients 27/4. As a whole, smartphones play an important role in the modern world because they contribute positively to building social relationships and to better knowing what is happening around the world.

On the downside, despite being smart enough, smartphones as instruments for social interaction are apparently not able to help users become any smarter or healthier. Quite on the contrary, like co-ca-ine or opium, they get people addicted to them, which is absolutely an unhealthy effect. Very soon, adult users may fail to make a clear distinction between professional life and personal life. It is largely because online apps, such as Facebook, Twitter, Whatsapp or WeChat, take up a significant amount of users" time, not to mention frequent email checking and sometimes video games. What is more shocking is that even children are attracted to the usage of smartphones. It is feared that over-fixation may prove to be dangerous for the young people because it can affect their brain and lose focus on the studies. Generally speaking, smartphones these days keep getting smarter, but heavy users are becoming just the opposite.

In conclusion, although the advantages of smartphones appear to be too good to be true, their negative impact should not be neglected. Now that these powerful devices are here to stay, they will continue to be a necessary part of many people"s daily lives in the time to come. One thing is sure: many people of this generation and beyond will meet the future by constantly keeping their heads down, invariably with their eyes fixed on the mini-screens for the better part of the day. (Essay created by Jeenn Lee Hsieh ielts360toefl@www.chddh.com)


#How to answer essay questions? 有问必答;问什么答什么。

>托福独立写作>TOEFL iBT independent writing task--

Use specific reasons and examples or details (based on your knowledge or experience) to answer your question.

>雅思大作文>IELTS writing task 2--

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge orexperience (to support your opinion).

>Jeenn Lee Hsieh: Read the given essay question carefully and plan how to answer all parts of the question. (There is sometimes more than meets the eye.)

What is the topic about?

What question or questions you are asked to answer?

What stand (position) do you take to answer (all parts of) the question?

What relevant evidence and/or specific examples would you use to support your answer (opinion)?

What is the outline (mind-map) for your essay?

What is the thesis statement or your opinion in your introduction paragraph?

What are the topic sentences (mini-theses) for your body paragraph?

>Stick to one method: four paragraphs (no more, no less)


TOEFL+IELTS 360 Essays 谢振礼 Jeenn Lee Hsieh ielts360toefl@www.chddh.com ielts360toefl@www.chddh.com >Online Writing Lab. 猫头鹰在线写作实验室应用【隐形模板】写范文。模板是死板的作文布局模式,不断习作久而久之则心眼领悟得到,肉眼却看不到模板。成功的托福作文或雅思作文必须先有成功的引言(Introduction)作为圆形心图的开头. 随着引言中主题thesis的焦点focus而发展signposts A/B,到了中体(Body Paragraph A+Body Paragraph B)则针对焦点而提出论证,支持主题。 结论(Conclusion)是引言的倒影,等于重复引言的要义,千万不要搞什么新点子,也不再论证。 Introduction: Say what you are going to say. Body Paragraphs A/B: Say it. Conclusion: Say what you have said. 所谓起中有合,合中有起,头尾显然必须前呼后应。 开头三句话:申论主题,集中焦点,话分两头。结尾三句话:二合为一,还原焦点,重申主题。支持主题的中体要切题(relevant),也就是要针对焦点来造句:理由+例子+细节。中体的内容绝对不可以跑题到圆圈之外。在心图里,圆心就是主题的焦点。 如果不先提出立场(position)答题也就没有文章的主题。如果不主动缩小主题的范围到可以论证的焦点(focus),很有可能冒了扩大话题的风险,因此造成内容迷路离谱,结果难免遭受考官扣分。总而言之,引言中已经从焦点里提出两个论证的指标(signpost A+signpost B)作为Topic Sentence A+Topic Sentence B),这就等于预表中体段落的去向。 中体承段A与转段B的指标句最好是写抽象而值得议论的意见‘opinion’(而不要写无需论证的事实‘fact’)。应用这个雕虫小技则比较容易从个人的知识和经验中举出specific理由+例子+细节(reasons+examples+details)。 行文回头到了结论,两头指标又二合为一,焦点还原,主题重申。全文绕个360度的圆圈逻辑:话题从何处开头也一定在原处结尾。 引言是话题的入口;结论是话题的出口。入口(申论主题)和出口(重申主题),其实是同一道门。

>谢振礼 Jeenn Lee Hsieh 雅思-托福范文


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